Here is a low-down of how the last few months have treated us.
Yep, you read correctly, unbenounced to me, I was indeed,
freshly knocked up. This makes perfect sense because at mile 23, I
just hit my wall and had to walk for a bit, I felt completely and utterly weak,
and I thought it was because I ate a different brand of energy gel. Turns out I think it was a mix of that and a
mix of being pregs. I pushed through and
finished just shy of my goal time, but for the most part, I felt strong the way
through and absolutely loved the course.
The story….
Let me back up a few months (end of March-beginning of April). The husband and I had been talking for a while about “our plan”. “Our plan” pretty much consisted of, stop trying to not try, but not really “try” until after our trip to Hawaii. So, me thinking I will be like all the other women out there and would need at least three months of not taking a pill until I can get pregnant thought that our non-plan-but-really-a-plan would work! So April came and I stopped the pill. We went about our business and soon enough May came around! My marathon was May 20th and we were leaving for Hawaii June 6th. The marathon came and went that month, but my unfriendly little aunt did not. Here I was waiting and waiting, taking tests, all to come out negative. A week late, and may I also add, 1 day until we left for Hawaii,I went for a run that morning, feeling a little weird, so there I go taking the test. A few minutes pass by and I look at the test, one big line, and one not-so-big-barely-there line. Thinking to myself, what the crap, then why haven’t I started yet?! I threw the stick away and continued to get ready for work. Then all of the sudden it hit me, was that line there before?! So I dug the stick back out of the trash can and take one more look. My husband went fishing that morning so of course, I am doubting myself and wondering why these tests are so damn difficult to read! I texted him a picture of it and the caption read “I’m not sure, but I think this means I’m pregnant!”. Then I compared the used stick to a brand new one and realized that if you stand to the side of the stick (you have to kneel down to where you are at eye level of it) the line still isn’t there (unused one). Holy crap, I think I am pregnant!! Meanwhile, my husband is texting me non-stop. Joy/tears rolled down my cheek because at that instant, even with the uncertainty, I knew I was indeed, pregnant. Say good-bye to Mai Tai’s, champagne, and bloody mary’s on this trip! (side note, this was really hard for me, because my “plan” was I wanted it to happen while we were there or after the trip so I could enjoy my beverages without feeling guilty).

Fast forward to the end of the day…
We decided we needed to buy one of those digital dumby-proof
ones…you know the ones that cost you an arm and a leg for. As we were out shopping for last minute
vacation items, it was really weird. We
got home and I instantly went to the bathroom.
Then 2 minutes later, we got the results we were both hoping for. Yes!
Again, filled with joy and tears, we laughed at how our plan just wasn’t
God’s plan. By the way, turns out I was
reading all the other tests wrong. They
all had that faint line next to the bright one.
I felt like Ross and thought “they should put that on the box”! Note for you ladies trying, skip the cheapo
non-digital tests and go straight for the high tech ones….saves you a bunch of
stress and also your ego because I felt really dumb after. Aloohhhaaaaaa.....
Since the trip….
Life has been non-stop. Filled with dr’s appts, days of nausea, and prepping for the baby. I am now 15 weeks. Running has slowed down a lot and replaced with morning floor workouts and walks. My goal now is 20 miles a week until I absolutely cannot run anymore. I was nauseous from weeks 6 through 9. Not too shabby, I consider myself lucky and very blessed. My husband has been very supportive despite my emotional roller coaster that I have been on. We find out if we are having a boy or girl next month then the nursery decorating will be in full swing. I can’t wait to share our plans for the nursery. Our home projects have been put on fast-forward and soon we will have grass in the backyard….yay! There are some other things that we will be doing as well, but I’ll wait til they are done so I can post pictures. Until my next post, I will leave you with this little person :)
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