Friday, November 12, 2010

Turn Your Mourning Into Dancing....

I can't stop thinking about Psalm 30 this morning....that I just had to write about it.

This week has been a very trying week to say the least but I have done my best to stay positive and to keep my head held high...I know we all have those moments, it just seems that my moment is lasting...a...very...long....time. It's one of those times, where I think my low's of the week outweigh the high's of the week; however, I will not write about them...I will only list my high's.

  1. We got paid on Thursday, not Friday this week.
  2. I didn't have bad traffic Thursday or Friday.
  3. Lucy got another round of her shots and is looking fabulous.
  4. It's Friday!
  5. Lacy and I are hosting Courtney's bridal shower tomorrow!
  6. Nick and I are both healthy.
  7. I have a beautiful little niece that I get to see in just a short 2 weeks.
  8. I got to run this morning even though, it was freezing!
  9. I got a cuddle session with my little Killian this morning and I just love those moments.
  10. Even though money has been tight, we have been able to pay our bills, pay our rent, and put food on the table and for that I feel blessed because I know it could be a lot worse.

I hope this blog finds you well, I know it's short but I think that it is good to remind one another to turn your mourning into dancing every once and while. Have a fabulous Friday and I promise I will blog about something fun soon!